Wednesday 3 August 2011

More music and the odd "hack"ing (no I cant really make that witty title sorry)

Hello, have probably recovered from Millsaddedon 2011 in wh Mills's around the country mounted a campaign against London, the score? Three, two probably we can defiantly claim the natural history museum and true we almost lost out when it came to lunch times but the final night at a party held in the building where the kings speech was filmed (and finding wearing plaid at an all white dress party doesn't always go down well) and also finding same building has a jacuzzi in the basement (presumably the bit where Colin Firth is in it with Geoffry Rush is in the DVD extras). So Sunday was rather.......tiring and funny enough Monday too.
Still up to speed now more or less and realised I haven't really written anything whilst on holiday mainly because I've tried to go out and do....things well things that cost nooooo money still it means I have re discovered the joys of sleeping in, and watching movies (a seperation is amazing by the way) also been watching the phone hacking scandal open up and float around somewhat like a giant wasp thats been brought into a room, no one really likes to acknowledge its there, everyone is flapping their hands and its kind of a bastard. It has struck me though about Rupert Murdochs whole "oh I'm just an old man whos a bit doddery I didn't know anything." a plea used usually by war criminals who apparently were fine to slaughter andmassacre but now have a bit of a cough and cant hear well so cant possibly stand trial now thankyouverymuch. Whats worse is that people have been saying they even felt sorry for him! Really! and again Really! For what, twenty, thirty years Murdoch has controlled, manipulated, bullied and basically bulldozed his way through politics and media and now apparently hes a bit old so we should go easy, sorry but again Really!?! The other question is that with Rupert and James Murdoch claiming they didn't know anything (plus Rebekah Brookes and I presume Pierce "human slug" Morgan as well) doesnt this actually make them really bad bosses, after all it was apparently going on for years, was credited with breaking the Sven Goran Ericsson affair (which I presume is in no way an admition of guilt actually saying in a book thank god we had phone hacking) and used by tens possibly hundreds of journalists and yet the supposed bosses knew nothing..? We could just presume that they really didn't know anything in which case they are aweful bosses who apparently couldn't even run their news rooms....
So the choice is either they are massive massively incompetent to run business or they knew about the hacking tough choice...

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