Tuesday 7 June 2011

TV has been watched, wii games have been played 13 assassins observed and a riverside festival attended. Not a bad holiday overall but one that went by waaaay to quickly, perhaps it was the first few days of having nothing to do except tidy, yes what a crazy wild time I have.
Anyway yes 13 assassins was rather good indeed possibly it was taking the "we need to make a team." style movie and giving it a twist, or the absolute eeeevvvillll emperor (to be) but it was probably the part with the flaming pigs or the alley of swords that you know will be (and are) used...no actually it was the flaming pig weapons....
Im not a lawyer, but please dont tell my clients, buuuut RatKo Mladic's "I'm a bit sick, see I've got a note." Attempt to avoid being prosocuted for genocide is possibly not the best way to defend oneself.

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